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Casshern: Robot Hunter
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Casshern: Robot Hunter

Tatsunoko Production
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À propos de la série
Dr. Koutaro Azuma created Android BK-1 to protect the earth. In following its final directive, to protect the environment, BK-1 determined that humanity was a threat to earth. Renaming itself Black King Boss, BK-1 created an army, the Andro Corps, to destroy all human life. As humanity falters, Tetsuya, son of Dr. Azuma, initiates his father's last experiment to create the ultimate android. He Merges himself with the machine, and creates Casshan the symbiosis of humanity and machine. Casshan has one single goal, to eradicate the Iron Evil, Black King Boss. Casshan travels with an advanced transforming robotic dog named Friender. Friender is as much a fighting assistant as an affectation to replace Tetsuya's dog, Lucky. While trying to reach BK-1 Casshan encounters human resistance member Luna Kouzuki. Luna possesses a weapon capable of defeating the Andro Cops, and she is trying to get it back to the human army. She has also been searching for Tetsuya while fighting the robot army. When they finally meet, she is faced with the fact that Tetsuya is dead while Casshan confesses to her his fear of becoming another BK-1. With humanity's future on the line and Casshan's humanity slipping away will he be able to defeat BK-1 or will he join his BK-1's army in the end?
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Disponible en VF
Date de diffusion
21 août 1993 au 21 févr. 1994
Artmic, Tokyo Kids, Nippon Columbia
ADV Films, Discotek Media, Harmony Gold, Streamline Pictures
Tatsunoko Production
Aventure, Sci-Fi
27 min. par ep.
©Tatsunoko Production
Luna Kozuki
Luna Kozuki
 Braiking Boss
Braiking Boss
Shin Hurricane Polymar
Uchuu no Kishi Tekkaman Blade
Dans le même univers
Casshern Sins
Version alternative
Casshern Sins
Dans un futur lointain, les cyborgs et humains luttent pour survivre suite à la guerre qui a détruit le monde. C'est dans ce monde que se réveille un cyborg, Casshern, qui a perdu toute notion de son passé. Seul quelques flashs de sa vie antérieure lui reviennent. Il se retrouve alors à défendre les hommes contre de puissants robots qui règnent d'une main de fer sur le reste de l'humanité puisqu'il est le seul à avoir une puissance suffisante pour les contrer. Il n'aura qu'une seul hantise : découvrir qui il est et que cache son passé enfouit au plus profond de sa mémoire cybernétique ?
Shinzou Ningen Casshern
Version alternative
Shinzou Ningen Casshern
Tetsuya Azuma, also known as Casshern, is an android with a human consciousness neoroider. Tetsuya turned himself into an android for the purpose of hunting down and destroying robots that have taken over the world. His biological father, Dr. Kotaro Azuma, was the inventor of the automatons that were originally intended to serve humankind. However, the first android, BK-1, was struck by lightning, and went out of control. With its great strength, it escaped from the castle despite attempts to stop it. After some time, it renamed itself as Buraiking Boss (often mistranslated in English as "Black King Boss"; derived from ?? or burai, meaning rogue or brute), and was able to build a robot army against mankind; the robots mutinied en masse when their cold logic concluded that the good of the Earth Ecosystem required the destruction of the human race. Casshern and his robotic dog, Friender, join forces with a beautiful girl named Luna Kozuki to battle the robots led by the Buraiking Boss. Casshern has great strength and agility, but he is not armed, except for a pair of odd pistols, used more like rockets than weapons. Friender is capable of transforming itself into a tank or a jet aircraft and actively helps Casshern to fight the robot army. While the robots are huge and robust machines, he is usually able to destroy them with his bare hands, dispatching a great number in any battle. Casshern has also some weakpoints: his body must be re-charged (with solar energy), and cannot sustain very long battles without risking low battery power. Luna was totally harmless, until her father was able to build an electromagnetic pistol, easily capable of destroying the robots. Almost all the robot machines have an antenna on top of their heads, ripping it off usually causes them to blow up, so they are relatively vulnerable. (Wikipedia)
Infini-T Force
Infini-T Force
Depuis un certain temps, le mystérieux "Z" voyage de monde en monde afin de tous les détruire. Il ne souhaite en conserver qu'un pour assouvir ses projets. Mais alors qu'il combat Gatchaman, il perd la source de son pouvoir, qui atterrit entre les mains de la jeune Emi Kaidô. Cette dernière va dès lors être protégée par des héros venus d'autres mondes : Polymar, Gatchaman, Tekkaman et Casshern.