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Tekken Chinmi
Maekawa Takeshi
À propos de la série
Chinmi vivait tranquillement sa vie de jeune garçon avec sa sœur dans la forêt jusqu'au jour où un vieil homme le rencontre. Celui-ci va remarquer la force surhumaine du jeune garçon et lui proposer de le suivre jusqu'au temple de Dailin.
A Dailin et en compagnie d'autres disciples qui deviendront très vite ses amis, Chinmi va pouvoir développer son potentiel et de nouvelles techniques au travers d'affrontements contre des adversaires toujours plus coriaces et sans scrupule.
A Dailin et en compagnie d'autres disciples qui deviendront très vite ses amis, Chinmi va pouvoir développer son potentiel et de nouvelles techniques au travers d'affrontements contre des adversaires toujours plus coriaces et sans scrupule.
Informations supplémentaires
Nombre de Volume
Nombre de Chapitre
Date de publication
18 avril 1984 au 17 avril 1997
Shounen Magazine (Monthly)
Aventure, Comedie, Historique, Arts-Martial, Shonen, Award Winning
©Takeshi MAEKAWA
Dans le même univers
Tekken Chinmi
Ironfist Chinmi (????? Tekken Chinmi) is a Japanese manga series written by Takeshi Maekawa. It was published by Kodansha in Monthly Sh?nen Magazine from 1983 to 1997 and collected in 35 tank?bon volumes. It is centered around the story of a boy called Chinmi who learns Kung Fu through the staple manga method of fighting progressively more challenging foes. The first 12 volumes were published in English in the UK by Bloomsbury. The series was adapted as a anime television series in 1988, which was dubbed in English in the early 90's as Kung Fu Boy and into Arabic as MadressaT El Kung Fu" (Kung Fu School).
The Ironfist Chinmi or Tekken is kung-fu adventure of a teenage who will complete the art of kung-fu a temple which is Dairin Temple. Adventure background is a huge China Kingdom with a huge history in it and even it's very big territorial. This teenager's name is Chinmi and companion with a funny monkey, which usually called Go Ku, to across the wide of kung-fu's world. Chinmi is an orphan teenage that only have an older sister, Mei Lin. They both, before Chinmi's going to explore his talent in kungfu in Dairin temple, lived near the Choko River in a small restaurant owned by them. It was Master Yosen who gave the first time to Chinmi an inner power kung-fu's style which becomes the first style to rely on every fight in Chinmi's adventure.